Lors de mon dernier voyage, j’ai eu l’opportunite d’aller en Amerique du Sud. C’est un vol assez long. Sydney-Santiago dure 15 heures. [On my last trip, i had the opportunity to go the South America. Le flight was quite long. Sydney – Santiago goes for 15h. ]

Mes occupations dans un avion sont: dormir, manger et regarder l’ecran de TV Cette fois-là, pas moyen de dormir, donc j’ai regardé beaucoup de films! dont le Casse tete chinois. [ Leisures in a plane are: sleeping, eating, and watching the TV screening. This time, i couldn’t sleep, so I watched lots of movies! among them, The Chinese Puzzle]

J’ai ris, et ris et ris! J’ai du reveiller les autres passagers! [ I laughed, and laughed and laughed! I must have woken up some passengers!]

Il y a beaucoup de cliches et jeux de mots. Les personages sont sympas, amusants et touchants. Chacun suit sa destinee “à la française”. Un cercle d’amis qui se retrouvent a New York. [ There are lots of cliches and puns. The characters are friendly, funny and emotional. Each follows its destiny “à la française”. A cirlce of firends who meet again in New York]

J’aime particulierement le moment ou Xavier se rend a l’appartement de son ex- et c’est son fiance Americain qui lui ouvre la porte. La scene qui suit est pleine de cliches “Franco-Americain”. [ I particularly like the moment where Xavier goes to the apartment of his ex and her American fiance open the door. The scene that follows is full of is full of Franco-American cliches]

Ce film est une chouette comedie. Je vous le recommande. [ This movie est a cool comedy. I recommend it].

If you are free, we plan to go to the movie to see films we like. Join us on our facebook in our event section.

Voici la bande annonce officielle, telle qu’elle est presentee en France.  Ca vous mettra dans l’ambience du film.

La bande annonce version anglo-saxonne..un peu plus conservatrice!
My rating: 8/10
Type: Comedie
Duration: 117 min
Realisateur/ Director: Cédric Klapisch
Acteurs/Actors: Romain Duris, Audrey Tautou, Cécile de France

Xavier a maintenant 40 ans. On le retrouve avec Wendy, Isabelle et Martine quinze ans après L’Auberge Espagnole et dix ans après Les Poupées russes.

La vie de Xavier ne s’est pas forcément rangée et tout semble même devenir de plus en plus compliqué. Désormais père de deux enfants, son virus du voyage l’entraîne cette fois à New York, au beau milieu de Chinatown. Dans un joyeux bordel, Xavier u cherche sa place en tant que fils, en tant que père… en tant qu’homme en fait ! Séparation. Famille recomposée. Homoparentalité. Immigration. Travail clandestin. Mondialisation. La vie de Xavier tient résolument du casse-tête chinois ! Cette vie à l’instar de New York et de l’époque actuelle, à défaut d’être cohérente et calme vient en tout cas nourrir sa plume d’écrivain…

From http://www.abc.net.au/atthemovies

CHINESE PUZZLE is the third part of a trilogy following on from THE SPANISH APARTMENT and RUSSIAN DOLLS. Xavier, Romain Duris, a writer, has followed his English ex-wife, Wendy, KELLY REILLY, to New York after she left him, taking their two children, to live with her wealthy lover, PETER HERMANN. Xavier stays for a while with his lesbian friend Isabelle, CECILE DE FRANCE, and her lover Ju, SANDRINE HOLT, until the latter helps him find an old apartment in Chinatown. Because he needs American residency, Xavier enters into an arranged marriage with a Chinese girl, LI JUN LI, and he also receives the occasional visit from his former lover Martine, AUDREY TAUTOU.

There’s a great deal going on in CHINESE PUZZLE as writer-director Cedric Klapisch continues to explore the lives of protagonists he first introduced to us 12 years ago. Like its predecessors, the film is filled with pretty interesting and conflicted characters, and deals, in its fairly lightweight way, with familiar themes like family, infidelity, love and loss. Some elements don’t work at all: appearances from German philosophers who advise Xavier are overly cute and an animated sequence is pointless. But the actors, all of them, are very good and this French view of life in New York is consistently interesting and playful.

A +
